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Application of NIRS analysis technology in liquid propellant quality detection(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Application of NIRS analysis technology in liquid propellant quality detection
WANG Juxiang QU Jun XING Zhina LIU Jie
Coast Defense Army College, Naval Aviation University, Yantai 264001, China
NIRS liquid propellant PLS iPLS BP-ANN
Application of near-infrared spectrum(NIRS)spectroscopy in liquid propellant quality determination is introduced in this paper. The spectrum preprocessing, waveband selection and modeling method of NIR are analyzed. The influence of high frequency noise and base line drift on information extraction can be effectively eliminated by spectral pretreatment methods, such as smoothing, differential coefficient, orthogonal signal correction or wavelet transform. NIRS is absorption peak of frequency multiplication of hydrogenous radical. Modeling in right wavelength range which is selected according to radical contribution of component under determination can simplify the model and improve accuracy of the analytical result. Partial least square(PLS), a common multivariate calibration method, is often used to set up the accurate calibration model for most analysis items. The interval partial least squares(iPLS)algorithm and BP artificial neural network(ANN)algorithm can be adopted for some components with low content and not abundant information or the components which are seriously disturbed by other components to improve the accuracy and predictive ability of calibration model.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01