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Study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of heating chamber with column pin-fin array for micro-thruster(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of heating chamber with column pin-fin array for micro-thruster
FAN Cong1 WANG Changhui1 Cao Xiwei2
1.School of Astronautics, Beihang University, Beijing 100076, China; 2.Beijing Aerospace Systems Engineering Research Institute,Beijing 100191, China
micro-thruster heating chamber with column pin-fin array gas flow heat transfer cha-racteristic numerical simulation
A heating chamber with micro column pin-fin array structure was designed for the butane self-pressurized micro-thruster. Under the given heating power and the different inlet pressure of heating chamber, the effects of micro-column pin-fin arrangement structure on the flow and heat transfer characteristic of butane gas in the heating chamber were studied by numerical simulation as well as the propulsion performance of the micro-thruster. The results show that the micro-column pin-fin array can significantly increase the heating efficiency of heating chamber and thruster performance, while its pressure loss at the heating chamber is quite small. Under the same arrangement density, the thruster with a staggered pin-fin arrangement has better overall performance. The more the arrangement density is, the better the heat transfer characteristics and propulsive performance of the micro-thruster become. However, when the staggered arrangement is adopted for the micro-column array, the thruster performance is not further improved once the arrangement density increases to a certain degree.


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Last Update: 2018-06-30