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Analysison saturation process of liquid hydrogen with heat leakage in closed container(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysison saturation process of liquid hydrogen with heat leakage in closed container
LIANG Huaixi1 Han Zhanxiu1 LI Qing2
1. Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology, Beijing 100074,China; 2. China Ordnance Industrial Standardization Research Institute Beijing 100089,China
hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine closed container liquid hydrogen saturation process analysis
The state variation of the saturation process for the liquid hydrogen in a closed container is presented according to the practical problem in the tests of a hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine and its components. The analysis results of this problem can be used for the safety assessment of the test process. In this paper, the mass and energy conservation equations are used to establish a mathematic model for the saturated condition of hydrogen medium in the closed container. The saturation process is qualitatively analyzed according to the mathematical analysis results of the model, and the conception of critical filling rate is proposed creatively. It is found that the saturation state process can be divided into different processes of complete vaporization, complete liquidation and intermediate saturation equilibrium. Combined with a typical engineering case of liquid hydrogen test, the state parameters of the saturation process are calculated by means of the mathematic model. The calculated results are in good agreement with the qualitative analysis. The rule of the saturation process of liquid hydrogen in the closed container is summarized.It is indicated that the liquid hydrogen can be completely vaporized when the filling rate of liquid hydrogen is low, and the liquid hydrogen can be fully expanded when the filling rate is high. In addition, the liquid hydrogen will expand and completely fill the test duct when the filling rate of test duct is 90%, which is easy to cause an overpressure damage risk.


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Last Update: 2018-06-30