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Research status and key technologies of field emission electric propulsion thruster(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Research status and key technologies of field emission electric propulsion thruster
GUO Dengshuai12 KANG Xiaoming2 LIU Xinyu2 HE Weiguo2 HANG Guanrong3
1. Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China; 3. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China
FEEP thruster emitter plume neutralizer infiltration
In comparison with the traditional chemical propulsion, the electric propulsion has the characteristics of high specific impulse, low thrust and long lifetime, etc. It can greatly save propellant and increase payload weight, thereby increasing the spacecraft life in orbit and improving the overall performance and benefit of spacecraft. It is especially suitable for attitude control, orbit transfer and deep space exploration of spacecraft. The field emission electric propulsion(FEEP)thruster is a kind of electric thruster with the advantages of high specific impulse, high thrust impulse resolution, low thrust noise, low power consumption, low cost and compact structure. It is one of the most promising thrusters for high-precision resistance compensation of gravity-gradient satellite, attitude control and orbit transfer of micro/nano satellite, satellite formation flight and so on. The principle, structure and characteristic of FEEP thruster are briefly summarized. The research status and the key technologies of FEEP thrusters at home and abroad are emphatically analyzed, which provides a reference for the development of FEEP in China.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01