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Design optimization research on impulsive pressure level turbine with partial admission(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Design optimization research on impulsive pressure level turbine with partial admission
LI Yu ZHU Donghua XU Kaifu FU Yu
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
partial admission impulsive pressure-level turbine optimization
A method for designing an impulsive pressure level turbine with two-stage partial admission was established based on the turbine-pump principle of the liquid rocket engine. The one dimensional design of the turbine can be completed according to the boundary condition of the air inlet and outlet, revolutions per minute, and the structure size of the turbine, and then the geometry data of the turbine blade profile and the flow parameter are exported. Finally three-dimensional numerical simulation is employed to validate the design result. The proto type of a turbine with low mass flow rate and high pressure ratio was designed in accordance with the total design desire of the turbine. On the base of the three-dimensional numerical simulation results, the turbine blade profiles of the original design were optimized. The efficiency of the turbine was increased by 2%. The three-dimensional numerical simulation of whole circumferential model was performed for the flow. The result shows that the optimized impulsive pressure level turbine with two-stage partial admission can satisfy the total design requirements of the turbine.


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