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Numerical simulation of combustion for LOX/kerosene engine with pintle injector(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical simulation of combustion for LOX/kerosene engine with pintle injector
YU Nanjia BAO Qilin ZHANG Yang DAI Jian
School of Astronautics, Beihang University,Beijing 100191, China
pintle injector numerical simulation simulation model combustion efficiency
In order to study the flow field distribution of the pintle injector with cryogenic and non-hypergolic propellant, the influence of different momentum ratios on the combustion flow field is summarized for the engine. In this paper, a numerical simulation method is used to investigate the distribution of the combustion flow field for LOX/kerosene engine with pintle injector. The simulation model adopts k-ε turbulence model, finite rate/eddy-dissipation combustion model, etc. The simulated results show that the pintle engine can form two recirculation zones in the combustion chamber, which is beneficial to the cooling of the combustion chamber head. In addition, the pintle injector can form liquid film on the wall of combustion chamber, which improves the thermal protection of combustion chamber wall. As the momentum ratio increases, the high temperature area in combustor approaches to the wall of combustion chamber, and the pintle injector achieves the highest combustion efficiency when the momentum ratio is 1.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01