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Performance study on standard aerosol generators for calibration of PDPA(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Performance study on standard aerosol generators for calibration of PDPA
SONG GeLIAN Junwei DING Zhenxiao
Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China
PDPA injector aerosol generator measuring error correction optical measurement
The injector and nozzle are the core components of the cryogenic liquid rocket propulsion system, whose atomization properties have a direct effect on the efficiency and stability of combustion. Significant data such as the particle diameter distribution of the atomization field of different design parameters can be obtained by means of phase Doppler particle analyzer(PDPA). The standard aerosol generator is the reference source for the calibration and testing of PDPA. The standard particle produced by the standard aerosol generator can be used to calibrate and correct the system error. In combination with injector's atomization measuring characteristics and scattering particle's features of the liquid rocket power system, several typical particle generating technologies are compared and analyzed. On the basis of this, the vibration orifice monodisperse particle generator is selected as the reference source for calibration of PDPA, and an analysis and assessment method of the standard aerosol generator is proposed. With this method, the uniformity, sphericity, accuracy, stability and other technical performance indexes of the generator are obtained. The results prove that the generator is adaptable and reliable in the aspects of optical measurement and calibration of injector's atomization.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01