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Overview of integrated cryogenic propulsion system based on liquid oxygen/liquid methane for Morpheus(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Overview of integrated cryogenic propulsion system based on liquid oxygen/liquid methane for Morpheus
CHENG Cheng1 2 QU Bo12 LIN Qingguo1 2
1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China; 2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai 201112, China
planet lander space propulsion system liquid oxygen/liquid methane engine Morpheus lander
Liquid oxygen/liquid methane(LO2/LCH4)was choosed as main developing direction for future chemical space propulsion, because of its advantages at specific pulse, green and non-toxic, easy to storage in space, in-situ resource utilization and etc.Successful free flight and autonomous landing of the Morpheus lander in Kennedy Space Center indicates that NASA's liquid oxygen /liquid methane(LO2/LCH4)space propulsion technologies have reached the new milestones from single technology development to system integration application.The development process and research mode of Morpheus lander are introduced in this paper.For the integrated LO2/LCH4 propulsion system, the composition, propellant feeding scheme and thermal control method of feeding lines are discussed in detail.Besides, the design principle, development process, major technical issues and their solutions of the main engine with variable thrust and rolling control engine are also investigated in this paper.The results are valuable for development of the advanced cryogenic propulsion system of future planet landers.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01