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Study on premixed laminar combustion process of ethylene/nitrous oxide mixture(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on premixed laminar combustion process of ethylene/nitrous oxide mixture
LI Zhipeng SUN Haiyun JIANG Rongpei WANG Yajun LIU Jiangqiang LIU Zhaoyang
Beijing Key Laboratory of Research and Application for Aerospace Green Propellants, Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology, Beijing 100074, China
nitrous oxide ethylene premixed combustion laminar flame propagation
The laminar flame propagating velocity of C2H4-N2O(ethylene nitrous oxide)premixed mixture was simulated by PREMIX module at the pressure of 0.1~1.5 MPa. The variation of flame propagation velocity, flame temperature and mass flow rate of C2H4-N2O mixture under different pressure and oxygen/fuel ratio was obtained. A laminar flame propagation test instrument was used to measure the laminar flame propagating velocity of C2H4-N2O premixed mixture. The measured and calculated value of the flame propagating velocity are compared to verify the accuracy of the chosen model and reliability of the calculating method. The results show that the model with USC mechanism can be adapted to calculate the laminar flame combustion characteristics of the premixed gas. The flame propagating velocity reaches its maximum value as the equivalence ratio is 1.18 and pressure is 0.1 MPa. The laminar burning mass flow rate reaches its peak as the equivalence ratio is 1.18 and pressure is 1.5 MPa. The laminar flame temperature reaches its peak as the equivalence ratio is 1.35 and pressure is 1.5 MPa.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01