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Study on dynamic characteristics of gas-exhaust-system for liquid oxygen tank used for liquid rocket engine ground test(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on dynamic characteristics of gas-exhaust-system for liquid oxygen tank used for liquid rocket engine ground test
XU Hongpeng ZHANG Zhitao TANG Binyun LIU Tao DONG Hongbing
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technology Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
liquid oxygen tank gas-exhaust-system dynamic characteristic numerical simulation tank pressure control
The research on the dynamic characteristics of gas-exhaust-system was carried out for the ground test of the LOX/kerosene LRE to obtain the response characteristics of gas-exhaust flow and gas-exhaust valve of LOX tank, and verify the applicability of the LOX/kerosene LRE under a low inlet pressure condition, so as to control the pressure decreasing rate in the LOX tank.A 2-D calculation model for the LOX tank was established.In combination with test data, the unsteady heat transfering process of the ullage in the low-temperature tank was studied to define the temperature and state of the exhausted gas.The moving-grid approach of CFD was adopted to establish the 2D model, so that the dynamic and flow characteristics of the values were analyzed.Based on the ideal gas state equation, the calculating formulas of the gas flow and tank pressure were obtained while the tank pressure calculation model was refined.This model can be used to calculate the pressure decreasing rate in the tank, which can also provide a reference for calculation of the exact beginning time of the tank pressure control.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01