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Study on combustion simulation of GOX/GCH4 pintle engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on combustion simulation of GOX/GCH4 pintle engine
ZHOU Kang LI Qinglian CHENG Peng CHANG Yibing
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
pintle engine combustion simulation a band distribution of temperature pintle orifice position pintle orifice diameter annular gap
In order to study the combustion characteristics of the GOx/GCH4 pintle engine, a two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical calculation model of the engine was established.For the turbulence model, a standard k-ε model was adopted and the eddy-dissipation model with one-step mechanism was applied to simulate the combustion process.The numerical simulation results show that when the combustion reaction between oxygen and methane was stable, a large flame angle was observed, the temperature showed a banded distribution, and two sets of recirculation zones existed inside the combustion chamber.The combustion efficiency increases with the position of orifice located away from the pintle tip, but the flame angle is unchanged.As the annular gap increasing, the combustion efficiency decreases, but the flame angle increases.To the contrary, the combustion efficiency increases while the diameter of the orifice increases, the flame angle decreases.Within limits, the combustion efficiency decreased with flame angle increasing.


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Last Update: 2018-12-25