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Research on test technology for three-axial virtual vibration of liquid rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Research on test technology for three-axial virtual vibration of liquid rocket engine
HAN ShuaiCAO YawenDENG ChanghuaMU PenggangHUO ShihuiLI BinchaoXUE Jie
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
liquid rocket engine three-axial shaking table sine vibration random vibration
The vibration test is an important part for the structure reliability evaluation and force enviorment adaption verification of the liquid rocket engine.In comparison with the uniaxial vibration test, the three-axial vibration test is more realistic to simulate the actual stress of the product.The study on the virtual three-axial vibration test is worth significantly on predicting the dynamic response of a liquid rocket engine, guiding design optimization for the structure, and modifying the unialxial vibration test input spectrum for three-axial vibration test.Aimed at the vibration problem of the liquid rocket engine, a virtual vibration testing system for three-axial vibration table was built up by the control method and finite element simulation technology of the three-axial vibration table.The joint simulation dynamics modeling combining with a certain product and vibration table model was conducted on the basis of the Patran finite element platform.The test conditions of sine vibration and random vibration test were taken as loading boundary for dynamics response analysis to solve the three-axial vibration using Nastran software.By comparison and modification with the actual vibration test results, the accurate models of the three-axial vibration table and the product as well as accuracy control method were obtained, which can provide a virtual test method for the structural vibration response prediction and weekness identification of the liquid rocket engine.


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Last Update: 2018-12-25