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Numerical simulation and analysis of thermal conductivity error for short type thermocouple(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical simulation and analysis of thermal conductivity error for short type thermocouple
MO Jianwei1 JING Zhuoyin2LI Tong1WANG Yong1LI Longfei1
1.Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China; 2.Beijing Changcheng Institude of Metrology and Measurement, Beijing 100095, China
short type thermocouple numerical simulation thermal conductivity error correction
In the research of aerospace engine technology, accurate measurement of airflow temperature in high temperature and high speed environment is usually required to evaluate the performance of the engine.In addition, depth of the thermocouples insertion at high temperature airflow is very short due to the restriction of geometrical space and sensor strength, which causes large thermal conductivity error and affects the judgment of engine working characteristics.In this paper, research on thermal conductivity error of short type thermocouple is carried out.A simulation model of thermal conductivity error for short thermocouple is established.And the accuracy of the simulation model is verified further.Through numerical simulation, the influence of thermocouple insertion depth, Mach number of incoming flow, total temperature of incoming flow and substrate temperature on the correction coefficient of heat conduction error was studied.The response surface model of thermal conductivity error correction coefficient was established.The simulation results can provide an idea for the suppression of thermal conductivity error of short thermocouple and provide a support for the measured data correction in the application process of thermocouple.


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Last Update: 2018-12-25