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Effect of cracking ratio on the performance of methanol ATR engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effect of cracking ratio on the performance of methanol ATR engine
ZHANG Liuhuan DU Quan LU Wanruo ZHANG Mengzheng LI Guangxi
(Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China)
hydrocarbon fuel cracking ATR engine cracking ratio
A new ATR(Air Turbo Rocket)engine scheme based on the methanol cracking is proposed in this paper.The performance of methanol ATR engine with specific composition of cracking gas is calculated, and the influence of cracking ratio on the engine performance is investigated.The results show that the thrust gradually increases, and the specific impulse increases first then decreases as the engine speed increases.The specific impulse reaches the top at the 90% designed speed.Under the same engine speed, the higher the cracking ratio of methanol, the greater the specific impulse of engine.Under the condition of 100% cracking ratio and 90% rotation speed, the specific impulse is up to 793s.In addition, the specific heat capacity of cracking gas increases with the increase of cracking ratio.


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Last Update: 2019-02-20