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Risk assessment model of combined spacecraft based on PRA(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Risk assessment model of combined spacecraft based on PRA
ZHOU Haocheng YANG Hong XIA Qiaoli
(Institute of Manned Space Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology,Beijing 100094, China)
combined spacecraft PRA fault tree integrated design
For the characteristics of high reliability and small sample of combined spacecraft, this paper takes the control and propulsion system of combined spacecraft as an example to establish a PRA-based risk assessment model for multi-cabin integrated design scheme. By comparing the fault tree and the relative difference between the two schemes using and not using integrated design, in order to verify the contribution of integrated design to the reliability of the system, it is verified qualitatively and quantitatively that integrated design can significantly reduce the probability of major risks of the combined spacecraft thrust control system. By analyzing the importance weight of the major risk, the importance ranking of the major risk of the combined spacecraft thrust control system is obtained. From the risk point of view, some suggestions for decision makers to apply the integrated design are also provided.


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