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Physical and chemical properties of blended fuel of coal-based and petroleum-based space kerosene(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Physical and chemical properties of blended fuel of coal-based and petroleum-based space kerosene
HAN Wei YANG Chao LAN Haiping YU Jun DU Zonggang ZHU Chengcai FU Quanjun
(Xi'an Aerospace Test Technology Research Institute, Xi'an 710100, China)
coal-based kerosene petroleum-based kerosene blending physical and chemical property intersolubility
The research on variation of physical and chemical properties of coal-based and petroleum-based space kerosene in different proportion was carried out.Nine samples were obtained by blending coal-based space kerosene with petroleum-based space kerosene in a ratio of 0~100%.The density, distillation range, kinematic viscosity, crystallization point, flash point, actual colloid and other core indexes of the mixed samples were measured, and the relationship between the mixing ratio and the index points was studied.On this basis, the applicability of the mixed oil to GJB 8087-2013 “liquid rocket engine with kerosene safety application criterion” was discussed.The results show that the two types of kerosene can be blended arbitrarily, and the indexes meet the requirements completely.The blended kerosene does not undergo chemical changes when there is no excitation source, and it is in a state of mutual solubility and can be placed for a long time.Paraffins, cycloalkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons in the two kinds of kerosene are weakly polar substances.According to the principle of similar phase solubility, they have good mutual solubility.After mixing in any proportion, they will not be stratified even after being placed for a long time.It provides a basis for whether two kinds of kerosene can be mixed in LOX/kerosene rocket engine test and the injection in rocket launch, and is of great significance for reducing the replacement cost of kerosene for users.


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Last Update: 2019-04-30