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Local hard anodizing technology of 2A14 aluminum alloy(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Local hard anodizing technology of 2A14 aluminum alloy
XU WeichaoXUE LupingYE Hui
(Xi'an Space Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China)
2A14 Aluminum Alloy local hard anodizing chromic acid anodizing film double-sealed corrosion resistance
The local hard anodizing process of 2A14 aluminum alloy has been studied and it was proposed that the double-sealed chromic acid anodizing film can be used as the shielding layer for the local hard anodizing of 2A14 aluminum alloy instead of the traditional painted protection.The corrosion behavior of the double-sealed chromic acid anodizing film was studied by means of polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)and dropping test, which was also compared with the oxidation film sealed by potassium dichromate and water.According to the comparison results, after double sealing, the corrosion current density of the chromic acid anodizing film decreases by two orders of magnitude, the resistance Rp value of porous oxide film is increased by more than 500 times, and the dropping test time is increased by 2 to 5 times.The results show that the double-sealed technology effectively improved the sealing quality of the chromic acid anodizing film so that it can be used as the local hard anodizing shielding layer of 2A14 aluminum alloy with good corrosion resistance and voltage resistance.The local hard anodizing film prepared by this process is uniform and dense, with the thickness up to 60 μm and the average hardness up to 360, which meets the design requirements(thickness≥40 μm and hardness≥329).


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Last Update: 2019-04-30