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Research on recombustion properties of hydrogen-rich gas with air at sub-atmospheric pressure(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Research on recombustion properties of hydrogen-rich gas with air at sub-atmospheric pressure
YANG Jinhui WANG Zhaohui TIAN Yuan XU Xiaoyong
(Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China)
hydrogen-rich gas recombustion at sub-atmospheric pressure reaction rate hydrogen-rich gas temperature hydrogen-rich gas component
The hydrogen-rich exhaust gas from the hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine recombustion with surrounding low-pressure air, which directly changes the thermal environment of engine and will be destructive to the engine components performance. Experiments and simulation were conducted to study the effects of different hydrogen-enriched gas temperature and component on the flammability limit of hydrogen-rich gas with air at sub-atmospheric pressures. Flame can be observed when the gas temperature was higher than 932 K at atmospheric pressure, and no flame when gas temperature lower than 877K. The 950 K hydrogen-rich gas will recombust with air when environment pressure is higher than 60 kPa, and there is no reaction when the pressure below 30 kPa. According to the flammability simulation results, recombustion can be observed when the reaction rate exceeds 10-9. Simulation results indicate that the hydrogen-rich gas flammability pressure limit reduce with higher gas temperature and hydrogen ratio. As environment pressure lower than 10 kPa, the 1200 K gas which consists of 87.4% hydrogen could not recombust with air.


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Last Update: 2019-06-30