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Universal simulation platform for static characteristic of liquid rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Universal simulation platform for static characteristic of liquid rocket engine
WANG DanCHEN HongyuZHOU Chenchu
(Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xi’an 710100,China)
liquid rocket engine static characteristic Modelica universal simulation platform modular modeling
The static simulation model is used to calculate the dynamic balance of the parameters in the steady state of the engine.The engine parameters are set as the specified value before the engine ground test or flight test,which has become the fixed process of the engine design.The static simulation is one important method of improving the system design of liquid rocket engine and developing new engine system.Based on modularized modeling idea and object-oriented technology,a set of static engine static model library with various general components was established,which extended the high precision general static characteristic model of engine to adapt to large range variable conditions.Using the object-oriented simulation tool MWorks/Modelica software,a set of practical liquid rocket launcher modular modeling and simulation software for analyzing the static characteristics of a machine was developed.The simulation platform realizes the standardization and integration of the existing static calculation results,breaks through the limitation of the unified model,and greatly shortens the time of development cycle.


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Last Update: 2019-08-31