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Vibration characteristics analysis of compressor rotor with initial bending(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Vibration characteristics analysis of compressor rotor with initial bending
HUANG Jinping1ZHANG Zhengyue2HUANG Daoqiong1DOU Yu1WANG Wei1
(1.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xi’an 710100,China;2.Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Beijing 100076,China)
compressor rotor initial bending rotor bow rotor rotor vibration
The structural model of an initial bending rotor was established by Jeffcott rotor,and the vibration response was derived.After simulating and analyzing the influence of curvature factor and initial bending phase angle on the rotor vibration response,the rotor vibration characteristics and response rules were summarized.On the basis of theoretical analysis,the rotor running test of compressor with initial bending was carried out.The vibration characteristics of this rotor were analyzed,and the influence of balancing state on the response of this initial bending rotor was studied.The results indicate that the response amplitude of the initial bending rotor at startup is equal to the initial bending amplitude,and the response phase at startup is equal to the initial bending phase while the direction is opposite.The initial bending does not change the critical speed of the rotor,but it affects the resonance amplitude and phase.The resonance phase is equal to 90° only when the initial bending angle is 0° or 180°.The initial bending has a great influence on the vibration of rigid or quasi-flexible rotor,but a relatively small influence on flexible rotor.The response amplitude of the initial bending rotor will appear a pit in a certain speed zone,and the closer the initial phase angle is to 180°,the smaller the amplitude corresponding to the pit bottom.The speed range corresponding to response amplitude pit of the initial bending rotor moves towards the high speed zone with the improvement of balance accuracy.When the speed range corresponding to the pit falls within the resonance speed zone,the resonance peak of the rotor can be reduced to the lowest.


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Last Update: 2019-08-31