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Analysis of forming defects and improvement of forming technology for a certain type nozzle inner wall(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis of forming defects and improvement of forming technology for a certain type nozzle inner wall
ZHAO YaliHUI PuCUI Shanshan
(Xi’an Space Engine Company Limited,Xi’an 710100,China)
curved generatrix wrinkling defect finite element simulation improvement of die surface
The inner wall of a certain nozzle is the revolving parts with curved generatrix,which is hydraulic formed by conical blank.After forming,the part has the defects of wrinkling in the large end and annular protrusion below throat of small end,which seriously affects the quality of products.In order to improve the accuracy of part surface and dimension,PAM-STAMP sheet metal numerical simulation software was used to simulate the forming process of parts,through which the deformation process of blank in the die cavity during the forming process was observed,and the stress and strain distribution during the deformation process of blank was obtained.At the same time,combined with the theory of material plastic forming,the causes of forming defects of the part were found,that is,the design of die surface and clearance was unreasonable.Then,according to the deformation law and stress-strain distribution of the part obtained from the analysis,the design of the die surface was improved,and the part meeting the requirements of the design drawings was produced.The wall thickness and surface clearance obtained by numerical simulation are consistent with the actual parts.It is thus clear that,the forming defects of part can be eliminated by accurately grasping the deformation law of part and reasonably designing the die surface and clearance.


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Last Update: 2019-08-31