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Measurement study on surface emissivity of thermal protection material(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Measurement study on surface emissivity of thermal protection material
LIU Zhanyi1XU Ting2ZHANG Weijing1HU Jinhua1
(1.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi’an 710100,China; 2.Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi’an 710100,China)
thermal protection material surface emissivity heat exchange system temperature heat flow inversion
A method of surface emissivity measurement based on the inverse heat flow calculation was proposed,and it was utilized to measure the surface emissivity of aluminized thin film as the thermal protection material of liquid-propellant rocket engine.The test was carried out in a vacuum cabin and the specimens were heated by a quartz lamp.The heat exchange system consisting of quartz lamp and specimens was established,and the heat transfer equation including surface the emissivity of specimen was derived according to the heat transfer theory.The temperature variation was measured with thermocouple and the heat flow was obtained in an inverse way.Then,the heat transfer equation could be solved with the known heat flow,and the emissivity of aluminized thin film used in the test was about 0.12.In addition,the surface emissivity of aluminized thin film was calculated by another lumped parameter method,and the difference between the two results was less than 1.5%.Although the emissivity measurement approach proposed in this paper cannot achieve the spectral emissivity,it is applicable to engineering practice and easy to perform.


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Last Update: 2019-08-31