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Development and performance study of electrically driven pump system for liquid rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Development and performance study of electrically driven pump system for liquid rocket engine
WANG HaomingCHENG Cheng LI Xiaofang LIN Qingguo
(Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine,Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion,Shanghai 201112, China)
liquid rocket engine electrically driven pump high-speed motor lithium battery mass sensitivity
In this paper, the development history of electrically driven pump feed system for liquid rocket engine is presented and the characteristics of core components are explained in detail.A mass model for electrically driven pump system considering the centrifugal pump efficiency and the discharge characteristics of Li-ion battery is proposed.The motor and battery system have the largest mass proportion of the whole system.Sensitivity analysis shows that the pump efficiency has the greatest impact on the system mass.By comparing the mass of electrically driven pump system and turbopump system(gas generator cycle)under different thrust, chamber pressure and working time, a limited chamber pressure exists at a certain thruster for the electrically driven pump system.Below this limit, the electrically driven pump system is lighter than the turbopump system.In addition, the limited chamber pressure increases with engine thruster increasing.Finally, in order to further reduce weight and increase efficiency of the electrically driven pump system, the main technologies of core components are analyzed and the development suggestions are put forward.


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Last Update: 2019-10-25