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Infrared radiation calculation of rocket engine exhaust plume with shading(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Infrared radiation calculation of rocket engine exhaust plume with shading
YIN Zhenyue ZHU Dingqiang REN Hongfan
(School of Astronautics, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China)
exhaust plume of rocket engine infrared radiation BMCM shielding
The exhaust plume in the working process of rocket engine generates strong infrared radiation, which has a heating effect on its structure and load.At the same time, some structures become shading objects and affect the radiation transfer.In order to study the complex infrared radiation under shading conditions, this article uses the Backward Monte Carlo Method(BMCM)to compile an calculation program for the gas infrared radiation.The radiation intensity of the standard isothermal flow field on its surface is calculated and analyzed, which verifies the effectiveness and correctness of the infrared radiation algorithm by comparing with the textbook examples.For the flow field of an afterburning exhaust plume, the infrared radiation intensity of the gas in the case of the flow field with or without shielding is calculated and analyzed, respectively.In addition, the effects of shading objects in different shapes, sizes and positions are compared.The results show that the radiation of exhaust plume has a thermal effect on the engine structure.With shielding, the infrared radiation intensity of the blocked area is significantly reduced.The shape, size and position of the shielding will affect its effect.


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Last Update: 2019-10-25