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The parameter response characteristic of starting acceleration of rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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The parameter response characteristic of starting acceleration of rocket engine
ZHAO Wanming SHI Chao TANG Yunlong
(Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technology Institute, Xi’an 710100,China)
rocket engine test starting acceleration structural factor fitering characteristic
The speed of the rocket engine start can be reflected by the value of engine starting acceleration.Comprehensive analysis of the test system, parameter measurement of the starting acceleration and the factors of step response are necessary to the deciding of the starting characteristic.The reason of different starting acceleration value calculated by different parameters was researched to get reliable calculation method.The effect of several mechanical structure factors such as thrust measurement geometry of ground test system and sensor mouting patterns on the starting acceleration characteristic of the engine were analysed.Besides, effect of signal conditioner filter property of measuring parameter configuration on delay action of step signal was studied, which includes thrust, rotating speed and pressure.The starting acceleration characteristic of the large liquid rocket engine was also analyzed in this paper.The results of the analysis show that the main reason of different starting acceleration value calculated by different parameters are factors as structural factor of test system and filtering factor of parameter measurement.The computational result of the starting acceleration can be accurate and reliable when they are based on the analysis of structural factors of test system and filtering factors of parameter measurement system in large liquid rocket engine tests.


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Last Update: 2019-10-25