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Experimental study on the detonation and spontaneous combustion characteristics of hydrogen-rich gas and liquid oxygen(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Experimental study on the detonation and spontaneous combustion characteristics of hydrogen-rich gas and liquid oxygen
WANG Zhaohui KONG Weipeng WANG Xian TIAN Yuan
(Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China)
hydrogen and oxygen LRE hydrogen-rich gas liquid oxygen detonation spontaneous combustion
In order to study the detonation and spontaneous combustion characteristics of hydrogen-rich gas and liquid oxygen, based on the failure analysis of a liquid rocket engine, the possibility of detonation of hydrogen-rich gas and liquid oxygen under non-premixed and premixed conditions was analyzed by means of experimental study, and the conditions of spontaneous combustion of hydrogen-rich gas were explored.Through the analysis of experimental phenomena and experimental results, it is found that the hydrogen-rich gas and liquid oxygen do not react automatically at lower mixing ratios and lower temperature conditions, and the flame color is colorless and transparent, and invisible during the daytime.Under the premixed condition, hydrogen-rich gas and liquid oxygen can detonate, the maximum detonation pressure ratio is about 34, and the duration is milliseconds.However, in the case of no premixed material upstream, the detonation wave will not continue to propagate upstream.


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