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Simulation of oxygenating combustion process in altitude simulating test for large thrust hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Simulation of oxygenating combustion process in altitude simulating test for large thrust hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine
GUO Jing ZHANG Jia LI Mao KONG Fanchao ZHANG Jiaxian
(Beijing Engineering Research Center of Aerospace Testing Technology and Equipment, Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology,Beijing 100074, China)
hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine altitude simulating test hydrogen gas oxygenating combustion
In order to study the safe treatment method of fuel-rich gas in liquid rocket engine test and ensure the safety of the engine test process, the hydrogen-rich gas oxygenating combustion scheme was determined based on designing the key parameters of altitude simulation test large thrust hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine in the future.For verifying the scheme feasibility, a simulation model of oxygenating combustion of altitude simulation test for the large thrust hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine was built to simulate the oxygenating combustion process, and the effects of oxygen flow and injection angle on the combustion process and altitude simulation test were studied.Simulation results show the hydrogen-rich gas combusts completely and the altitude simulation test is safe.The more the oxygen supplementation is, the shorter the combustion length is and the more difficult the thermal protection is.The increase of oxygen injection angle has little effect on the hydrogen burnout length, but it makes thermal protection of equipment more difficult.


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Last Update: 2019-12-20