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A new injection method for liquid propellant(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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A new injection method for liquid propellant
SUN Yingxia WANG Hao CHEN Jian ZHAO Zheng
(Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China)
propellant injection MON-1 helium separate out new injection method
Helium is commonly used as the pressurized gas in the injection of the bi-propellant propulsion system.Helium gas can be dissolved in liquid propellant, especially in oxidizer.Helium dissolves in high-pressure period and separates out in low-pressure period in the process of propellant injection.That results in impact on the injection and work of spacecraft.Based on the research of helium exhalation in the process of NON-1 propellant injection, a new injection method based on pneumatic diaphragm pump was proposed and verified.1 t propellant was injected in 4 h without helium entrapment.A new approach was provided for propellant and modeling liquid, and it is proved that the method can be used to avoid Helium being dissolved in liquid propellant, especially for large amount and long time propellant injection.


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Last Update: 2019-12-20