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Porosity suppression technology for large-depth laser welding(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Porosity suppression technology for large-depth laser welding
SONG Fan1 PAN Pan1 CHEN Xiaojiang2 TANG Lei2 LIU Shengjian2
(1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propusion, Shanghai 201112, China; 2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai 201112, China)
laser welding large-depth weld porosity suppression technology process properties
Aiming at the frequent demand for deep penetration laser welding in space engines, and the consequent problem of process porosity, researches on porosity suppression technology were carried out in three process modes.The first type is a non-fusion welding mode, slightly faster welding speed, positively increasing the amount of defocus(≥4 mm), proper oblique incidence in the negative direction(-10°), and supplemental high power.The second type is a non-fusion welding mode, common welding speed, positive defocusing amount, vertical incidence, shaped scanning wave(O-shape), scanning frequency(100~150 Hz), and scanning amplitude(0.4~0.6 mm).The third type is a stable penetration welding mode, slightly slower welding speed, surface focusing, vertical incidence, and appropriate power to ensure the back-width ratio between an appropriate zone(0.45~0.65).Final results show that under the premise of 4mm penetration depth, all of the three methods can control the porosity of the weld to below 5%, which meets the second-level quality requirements of the aerospace welding standard.Meanwhile, the products with the best process specifications have passed the flight test.


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Last Update: 2019-12-20