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Atomization experiment of single free circular jet impinging against wall(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Atomization experiment of single free circular jet impinging against wall
WU Lingfeng12 YANG Chenghu12 YAO Feng12 ZHOU Wenyuan12
(1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China; 2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai 201112, China)
atomization law spluttering against wall circular jet mechanism analysis atomization characteristics
V433.9文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9374(2020)01-0044-08
The temperature resistance limit of the throat material of the engine thrust chamber, which applies the simple orifice injector to organize the combustion, restricts the improvement of engine combustion efficiency. A new high-performance cold wall injector can be used to solve this problem. In order to guide the design of this new type of injectora, a jet impact atomization experiment was carried out to investigate the atomization law of the circular jet against wall. High-speed photography was used to capture the phenomenon of spluttering atomization field, and the sputtering atomization rate was measured with the collection method. In addition, PDA and PIV were used to measure the particle sized and velocity vector of the sputtering droplets. The results show that there is sputtering after the jet impinges against the wall, and of the spluttering drops are spiral in part, and the droplet size is at the range of several tens of microns. The variation of the sputtering atomization rate with the impact distance can be divided into four typical stages: the initial stage, the development stage, the stable stage and the attenuation stage. The turbulent kinetic energy is the determinant of sputtering atomization rate.


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Last Update: 2020-02-25