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Pitting mechanism and passivation process optimization of nitriding surface of S-03 steel(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Pitting mechanism and passivation process optimization of nitriding surface of S-03 steel
XU Weichao WANG Ying YE Hui
(Xi’an Space Engine Company Limited, Xi’an 710100, China)
nitriding of S-03 steel corrosive pitting compound passivation passivation film corrosion resistance
V463文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9374(2020)01-0102-07
The mechanism of pitting corrosion on nitriding surface of S-03 steel(022Cr12Ni10MoTi)was analyzed, CrN was found on the nitriding surface which caused poor Cr.So the dense and complete passivation film did’t formed, which caused the corrosion resistance of material to decrease and prone to corrosion.The passivation process of phosphoric acid system was optimized, and then the compound passivation process was proposed.By cyclic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS), the corrosion behavior of compound passivated S-03 steel nitriding surface was studied, and compared with non passivation and the passivation process of phosphoric acid system.The results show that the pitting potential of S-03 steel with compound passivation treatment is the largest, and the corrosion rate is lowest, and the passivation film has the strongest repairing ability.It indicates that the compound passivation process can form a stable amorphous oxide film xCr2O3·yCrOOH which improves the pitting corrosion resistance, and its corrosion resistance is much higher than that of the passivation process of phosphoric acid system and unpassivated surface.Meanwhile the compound passivation process can effectively improve the thickness of passivation film for nitriding surface of S-03 steel and enhance the repairing ability of passivation film.


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Last Update: 2020-02-25