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Key technologies of collaborative design platform for liquid rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Key technologies of collaborative design platform for liquid rocket engine
HU Haifeng LIU Fen XU Ting LIN Yuan
(Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China)
collaborative design platform MBD MBSE IPT big data
According to the requirement of liquid rocket engine development, the framework of collaborative design platform is proposed.The platform is focused on the efficient transfer and collaboration of research data, and the cross-region and cross-professional characteristics of the product’s full life cycle.Five key technologies in the collaborative platform are analyzed and the corresponding solutions are proposed.Based on the PLM system, collaborative environment is built, unified coding is established, and common basic data such as standard parts and raw materials are integrated in the development process.Through the MBD-based three-dimensional structure design, the MBSE concept is adopted to upgrade the engine design process with the model as the medium.The online IPT mode is adopted to improve the efficiency of product design, and the data recording in the whole process is also realized.BOM is used to organize and display data formed at different design stages.Based on the distributed data storage mode of Hadoop platform, comprehensive management of structured and unstructured data is achieved.The verification through engineering practice shows that the constructed collaborative platform realizes customized collaboration of design process based on digital model.The information integration and multi-dimensional monitoring of the whole process of scientific research and production promotes the continuous optimization of business process and the continuous improvement of development efficiency, and supports the transformation and the upgrade of development model for liquid rocket engine.


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Last Update: 2020-07-30