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Quality control of stamping process for specialoil filter used in engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Quality control of stamping process for specialoil filter used in engine
LI Zhijun1XU Xiangyi2NING Jianhua1LI Fei1
(1.Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China; 2.The 8th Military Representative Office of the Air Force Equipment Department in Xi’an, Xi’an 710065, China)
W-type special oil filter stamping process defect finite element simulation quality control measures
Because the W-type special oil filter has advantages of high elasticity and strong impact resistance, it is widely used in the engine pipeline system.However, due to thin-wall and complicated cross-sectional structure of the W-typed oil filter, the defects such as crack and wrinkle as well as dimensions out-of-tolerance easily occur in the stamping process, which results in low pass rate and batch scrap.To solve the forming quality problems in stamping process of the W-type special oil filter, a three-dimensional FE model for the filter stamping process was established and the optimized process parameters and die structure size were obtained based on the ABAQUS finite element(FE)simulation platform.Aiming at the quality problems in the test and trial production, the quality problem statistics was carried out and the quality control measures were obtained.The test results show that the quality control measures effectively solve the defects in the stamping process of the oil filter, and the qualified rate of the products increases to more than 99%.The optimized forming process is stable and it meets the requirements of large-scaled manufacturing, indicating that the adopted quality control measures are reasonable.This methodology has been successfully used in the C-typed oil filter manufacturing with a pass rate of more than 99%, and this methodology is a general opproach.


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Last Update: 2020-07-30