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Data analysis of mechanical performance for all-position TIG joints of Ti tube(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Data analysis of mechanical performance for all-position TIG joints of Ti tube
SONG Fan1TANG Lei2 YANG Weiguo1ZHOU Yuhao2 XU Xiaodan2
(1.Shanghai Institute of Space Propusion,Shanghai 201112,China; 2.Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine,Shanghai 201112,China )
Ti tube all-position TIG mechanical performance base metal fluctuation
In order to clarify the effect of the source and specification of process parts on the qualification rate of weld performance, the historical data of all-position TIG joints of Ti tube during recent 5 years and 44 batches were analyzed.When the production batches are different, the fluctuation of the tensile strength and impact toughness for the base metal can reach ±19.1% and ±38.1%, respectively.When the tubes are from the same batches but different roots, the fluctuations can reach ±6.2% and ±13.6%, respectively.The heat process of welding will reduce the average value of the performance and increase the fluctuation, and the impact toughness will change more obviously.When the outer diameter of the process part gradually increases, the average tensile strength of the base material is constant, while the average impact toughness gradually increases first and then decreases.After experiencing the same heat process of welding, only the impact toughness fluctuations of small-diameter weldments increase significantly.Two types of improvement suggestions are proposed.One is to limit the process parts to the same Ti tube,and the second is to change the qualification index of impact toughness from a fixed value to a serial values proportional to outer diameter.


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Last Update: 2020-07-30