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Research on bearing and disable properties of laser selective melting rhombohedral dodecahedral lattice materials(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Research on bearing and disable properties of laser selective melting rhombohedral dodecahedral lattice materials
ZUO Wei12ZHAO Jian3BAI Jing12CHEN Xinhong12YANG Huanqing12
(1.Xi’an Space Engine Company Ltd.,Xi’an 710100,China; 2.NDST Innovation Center of Aerospace Non-traditional Component Additive Manufacturing,Xi’an 710100,China; 3.Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi’an 710100,China)
selective laser melting lattice material compressive behavior failure behavior
In order to explore the lightening method of liquid rocket engine and make full use of the advantages of additive manufacturing technology,periodic rhombohedral dodecahedral lattice materials with different micro-truss diameters based on laser selective melting forming technology were prepared.The micro-truss structures were observed and measured by scanning electron microscopy.The micro-truss structure was characterized by relative density and compression characteristics.The relative density prediction model was established.The function relationship between the relative elastic modulus, relative compressive strength and relative density were obtained.Combined with stress-strain curve, compression process image and fractograph observation, the failure behavior and mechanism of the lattice material during compression were analyzed.The research results were applied to the lightweight design of the main assembly plate of a power plant and the new heat exchanger of a certain type of engine.It was subjected to the liquid/air pressure test under tensile and compressive loads, and finally its further application in liquid rocket engines was prospected.


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