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Numerical simulation of partially cracked kerosene rotating detonation engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical simulation of partially cracked kerosene rotating detonation engine
(Science and Technology on Liquid Propulsion Rocket Engine Laboratory, Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi'an 710100,China)
rotating detonation engine pre-heating detonation combustion kerosene crack engine performance evaluation
The rotary detonation engine using liquid kerosene as fuel has the advantages of simple structure, high performance and long-term storage of propellant, but it is difficult to initiate kerosene detonation. Taking the rotating detonation engine with kerosene-air as research object, the ignition process of a rotating detonation engine under pre-heating mode which leads to kerosene cracking was putted out. The chemical reaction model of partial cracking kerosene was putted out and the ignition process in the combustion chamber was simulated. The results show that the formation and development of detonation wave in the initial stage of ignition have uncertainty. The fuel components entering the combustion chamber have effect on the time required for building a stable detonation wave and the final propagation direction of the detonation wave. Increasing cracking rate of kerosene may result in slow combustion in the zone which will delay the formation of stable detonation waves. The frequency of the rotational detonation wave propagation is almost 7 500 Hz and peak pressure of detonation wave is almost 2.3 MPa under the condition of different cracking rates during the engine steady operation time. The specific impulse of engine varies slightly during different period and the average specific impulse is almost 1 340 m/s under the condition of different cracking rates.


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