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Performance simulation of 4 Ma operating conditionunder SMC mode for RBCC engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Performance simulation of 4 Ma operating conditionunder SMC mode for RBCC engine
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
RBCC engine SMC mode rocket mixing ratio combustor length
In order to obtain the influence of rocket mixing ratio on RBCC engine performance under SMC mode, the flow field simulation of Ma0=4/H=17 km was conducted for the engine with the center layout of H2/O2 rocket trust chamber and two-dimension fixed structure.. The engine thrust and specific impulse of different rocket mixing ratio(MR=2、3、4、5、6、8)and combustor length were analyzed also. The studies indicates that: 1)Positive rocket thrust augmentation is obtained when the rocket operating under rich-fuel state(MR<8), and rocket thrust augmentation reduces with the rocket mixing ratio increasing; 2)The secondary combustion process is dominated by the shear layer mixing effect between the supersonic rocket gas jet and the supersonic air flow captured by ramjet combustor. Under the given reference combustor length in this paper, the combustion efficiency increases with the improvement of mixing ratio, and the supersonic/supersonic jet shear layer combustion process lasts until the nozzle outlet; 3)Engine thrust and specific impulse can be significantly enhanced by increasing the combustor length so that the rocket fuel-rich gas can be fully burned. However, in the specific engine design, the selection of the combustor length should be balanced between the combustion efficiency and the engine structure penalty.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01