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Effect of the pressure on balance diameter of themetal bellows mechanical face seal(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effect of the pressure on balance diameter of themetal bellows mechanical face seal
WU LinJIANG XuqiangLI MingDOU Wei
Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China
rocket engine metal bellows mechanical face seal balance diameter numerical simulation pressure ratio test
As a typical structure, metal bellows mechanical seal is extremely widely used in liquid rocket engines. In this paper, the influence factors of metal bellows mechanical seal were analyzed by numerical simulation,such as amount of compression operation pressure,balance diameter, load coefficient and face pressure ratio. The finite element model was built. And the effect of the diameter on deformation and stress of metal bellows under the given condition was obtained. Some conclusion were obtained by simulation. According to the research, the test equipment was designed to testify simulation result. According to result tested,the method of reducing the face pressure ratio is used in the new mechanical face seal, and the meliorated face seal have passed the hot-fire test of the rocket engine.The result proves that new design proposal in this paper can calculate accurately mechanical seal face pressure ratio.The proposal metioned in the paper could be used to design the mechanical seal in the liquid rocket engine turbopump.


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