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Selection of initial driving parameters for upper stage engine with staged combustion cycle(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Selection of initial driving parameters for upper stage engine with staged combustion cycle
SHI Zipeng1YANG Yongqiang1LYU Sunjin1LIU Zhanguo2
1.Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi'an 710100,China; 2.Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology,Xi'an 710100,China
staged combustion cycle upper stage engine start-up parameter selection MWorks simulation
An upper stage engine with staged combustion cycle is the first liquid rocket engine in China that adopts the pre-booster turbopump start-up method,and its energy match process during the initial stage of start-up is different from the existing models.In order to obtain excellent start-up performance,it is necessary to design and analyze the initial driving parameters.The mathematical model of the engine start-up was developed according to the system characteristics,and the initial driving parameters were designed by the numerical simulation of MWorks software.Finally,the relay capacity of the kerosene after the secondary fuel pump was evaluated according to the designed parameters.The results show that the driving flow rate of pre-booster turbine should be selected as 17.5 g/s,and the flow resistance coefficient should be selected as 7.95×1012 m-4 for the throttle ring of igniter supply circuit.The designed driving parameters can make the kerosene normal relay after the two-stage pump,and its margin is sufficient.


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