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Study on vibration fatigue of butt welded pipe of liquid rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Study on vibration fatigue of butt welded pipe of liquid rocket engine
ZHOU Shuai1LIN Lei1DU Dahua2ZUO Dungui1YU Weiwei1
CHEN Mingya1,XU Decheng1,CAO Yu1,HUO Shihui2
pipe butt weld vibration fatigue crack growth
Fatigue failure of pipelines caused by vibration is one of the main failure modes of liquid rocket engine.It is of great significance to study the vibration fatigue performance of pipe welds.The vibration fatigue lives of butt welded stainless steel(1Cr18Ni9Ti)pipes at different alternating stress amplitudes were studied by vibration fatigue testing.The dispersion of vibration fatigue lives increases with the decrease of the alternating stress amplitudes.The median vibration fatigue S-N curve and the design vibration fatigue S-N curve of the butt welded pipe were obtained based on the group method and the up-to-down method,which gives longer life than the ASME data at low stress amplitude.The characteristics of the fatigue crack initiation and propagation were studied.It was found that the fatigue cracks are all initiated at the weld toe of the outer walls.The crack growth life is only a small percentage of the total fatigue life.The vibration fatigue S-N curve of welded pipe provides data basis for the dynamic strength design of the liquid rocket engine pipelines.


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