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Development for thrust chamber of 220 t staged combustion cycle LOX/LH2 engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Development for thrust chamber of 220 t staged combustion cycle LOX/LH2 engine
DING ZhaoboLIU QianWANG TiantaiYANG JidongSUN JiguoGONG Jiefeng
(Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Beijing 100076, China)
high pressured staged combustion LOX/LH2 engine thrust chamber simulation hot test
The thrust chamber was the core component of the 220 tons high-pressured staged combustion cycle high-thrust LOX/LH2 rocket engine,with many large technological improvements and key technologies which were difficult to tackle.Through the analysis of multiple design schemes,series numerical simulation optimizations,and scale hot tests,the schemes of the thrust chamber were well-established that the injector adopted four-bottom-three-cavities scheme with oxygen cavity in the middle,has combustion efficiency as high as 99.7%. The combustion chamber adopted the combined thermal protection scheme of low mixing ratio in border area,film cooling and regenerative cooling,with the designed maximum wall temperature of throat 732 K.The upper part of nozzle adopted the regenerative cooling scheme of diffusion brazing between outer wall and inner wall of milling groove.Hypersonic film / radiation cooling scheme was adopted in the lower part of the nozzle.The six key technologies of highly efficient staged combustion injector,combustion stability for high flow chamber,thermal protection for high heat flux combustion chamber,highly efficient nozzle style design,big efficient-regenerative cooling nozzle,big single-wall film cooling nozzle were broken through preliminarily by key technology research,the key technical indexes were consistent with the design demands,laying a solid technical foundation for the following project developments.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01