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Evaluation method of mechanical environment adaptability for rocket second-stage engine in the first-stage flight phase(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Evaluation method of mechanical environment adaptability for rocket second-stage engine in the first-stage flight phase
WANG MeiYUAN JunsheLIU JunyanGAO Lele
(Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xian 710100,China)
second-stage engine first-stage flight phase vibration mechanical environment vibration test method of whole engine
In order to solve the problem of insufficient assessment of mechanical environment in the whole working life cycle of rocket second-stage engine with high thrust,an assessment method of vibration mechanics environment test in the first-stage flight phase of the whole engine was studied.Taking a certain rockets second-stage four-parallel-connected engine as the research object,the test scheme and boundary conditions were determined according to the simulation analysis of the modal frequency under the actual rocket conditions.The structural weaknesses were identified by the acceleration and strain data obtained through sinusoidal vibration and random vibration tests,and the consistency of the engine structure was evaluated by comparing the feature level scanning data before and after the test.The relevant conclusions provide a basis for the engine optimization and improvement.Finally,the mechanical adaptability of the engine was judged by whether the data of the product re-test after the vibration test is normal or not.The success of the first flight and subsequent flight tests of this launch vehicle have verified that the assessment method of whole engine vibration test is effective,which can realize the mechanical environment assessment coverage of the whole life cycle of the second-stage engine and is essential for the reliability of the engine and even the rocket.It also provides an important reference for the environmental adaptability assessment of the second-stage engine in the first-stage flight phase of other launch vehicles.


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