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Influence on performance of dual-bell nozzle with different design contours(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Influence on performance of dual-bell nozzle with different design contours
YANG JianwenFU XiuwenLIU YazhouZHOU Lixin
(Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xian 710100,China)
dual-bell nozzle design method performance analysis
Different dual-bell nozzles were designed with the benchmark nozzle area ratio of 30 and total nozzle area ratio of 100,and their performance were analyzed with a chamber pressure of 8.5 MPa.The results show that the difference of specific impulse performance of dual-bell nozzles designed by four methods of parabolic method,circular arc method,maximum thrust nozzle optimized with contour compression method and equal angle method is less than 1 m/s in the nozzle extension section.The specific impulse performance of equal angle method is the highest among four design methods.When the altitude is from sea level to around 6 km,the specific impulse of dual-bell nozzle is lower than the benchmark nozzle about 1.5% due to the additional drag loss caused by the nozzle extension contour.Between the flight altitudes from 7 km to 12 km,the outlet pressure of the dual-bell nozzle is lower than the ambient pressure,and the specific impulse of dual-bell nozzle is about 9.28% lower than the benchmark nozzle at the flight altitude of 8 km. As the flight altitude increases,the specific impulse of dual-bell nozzle is higher than the benchmark nozzle from 12 km. After 50 km,the specific impulse of dual-bell nozzle is about 10.69% higher than the benchmark nozzle.


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