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Effects of the number of fuel injection orifices on rotating detonation initiation process under non-premixed conditions(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effects of the number of fuel injection orifices on rotating detonation initiation process under non-premixed conditions
JIAO Zhongtian12WANG Yongjia2LI Wei1ZHU Yiyuan1WANG Ke1FAN Wei1
(1. School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xian 710129, China 2.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xian 710100, China)
rotating detonation non-premixed injection injection orifice number numerical simulation propagation mode
Slot-orifice injection scheme is now commonly used in rotating detonations. The influence of the number of fuel injection orifices(60,90,120,150)on rotating detonations inside an annular combustor were investigated numerically including the mixing process,the detonation initiation process and the detonation propagation process. For a total mass flow rate of 206 g/s,stable rotating detonation waves can be obtained when 60 and 90 orifices were used,while rotating detonation fails to be produced when 120 and 150 orifices were used. Multi-waves appeared in the 60 orifices configuration which finally transits into a stable dual-wave mode. When the total mass flow rate decreased to 103 g/s,stable detonation wave was able to be formed in the 120 and 150 orifices configurations. The results indicate that the mixing process of the same injection configuration will be affected by the mass flow rate,which has a great impact on the detonation initiation. If distribution of H2 in axialand radial directions is more uniform,the detonation initiation becomes easier. It is also observed that the detonation wave number increases with the mass flow rate. Moreover,a more uniform distribution of H2 in the circumferential direction will lead to a faster detonation velocity,and a highest velocity of 1 827 m/s has been obtained.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01