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Numerical study on flow drag reduction mechanism and heat transfer process of polymer drag reducing rocket kerosene(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical study on flow drag reduction mechanism and heat transfer process of polymer drag reducing rocket kerosene
DU Zonggang1SHI Xuemei1SHAN Shiqun1TIAN Liang2FU Quanjun1ZHANG Lijuan2WU Feng2
(1. Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technique Institute,Xi’an 710100,China; 2. School of Chemical Engineering,Northwest University,Xi’an 710069,China)
rocket kerosene polymer numerical simulation drag reduction mechanism heat transfer mechanism
There have been a lot of experimental studies on adding polymers to rocket kerosene for effective drag reduction,but there is less analysis of the distribution and mechanism of the flow field and temperature field in the process of kerosene flow and heat transfer. The Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)method was used to reduce the resistance of rocket kerosene. The heat transfer law was analyzed by three-dimensional numerical simulation and compared with ordinary kerosene. The equivalent viscosity model was compiled by Universal Disc Format(UDF),and the viscosity term was treated by non-Newtonian fluid model and Newtonian fluid model respectively. The numerical simulation results show that the addition of drag reducer makes the transition layer in the boundary layer of the drag reducing kerosene flow thicken,resulting in the decrease of the velocity gradient in the elastic bottom layer and the increase of the velocity in the turbulent core region,which realizes the drag reducing and transportation increasing of the kerosene flow and achieves the drag reducing effect. The friction coefficient of drag reduction kerosene is less than that of conventional kerosene. Viscoelastic additive plays a positive role in drag reduction effect,which is the main factor leading to turbulent drag reduction effect of kerosene. In addition,the temperature rise of conventional kerosene is higher than that of drag reducing kerosene,and the thickness of temperature boundary layer of drag reducing kerosene is thicker than that of conventional kerosene,which increases the heat transfer resistance of drag reducing kerosene and reduces the heat transfer rate of drag reducing kerosene.


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