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Effect of structural parameters of gas-gas coaxial direct-flow injector on combustion performance(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effect of structural parameters of gas-gas coaxial direct-flow injector on combustion performance
WANG Zhuang HU Jinhua YANG Jianwen JIN Dan LI Yandong HUO Shihui
(Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory, Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xian 710100, China)
gas-gas coaxial direct-flow injector structural parameters combustion efficiency flame length
Gas-gas coaxial direct-flow injector is widely used in the full-flow staged combustion cycle rocket engine, and the structural parameters of the injector affect the performance of the main thrust chamber.In order to explore the influence of the structural parameters of the gas-gas coaxial direct-flow injector on the combustion performance, four structural parameters are analyzed through numerical calculation, which include the diameter of the oxygen nozzle, the width of the fuel nozzle, the wall thickness between the fuel nozzle and the oxygen nozzle, and the indent distance of the central nozzle.The results show that the diameter of oxygen nozzle and the wall thickness between fuel nozzle and oxygen nozzle have significant influence on the flame length, while the width of fuel nozzle and the indent distance have little effect on the flame length.As the diameter of oxygen nozzle and the wall thickness increase, the flame length increases and the combustion efficiency decreases.In addition, the width and indent distance of fuel nozzle have a great influence on the mixing of the propellant components.A certain indent distance can enhance the mixing of components and improve the flame stability.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01