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Experimental study on vacuum micro-arc thruster and on-orbit test(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Experimental study on vacuum micro-arc thruster and on-orbit test
ZHAO Yang1 DENG Yongfeng1 WEI Jianguo1 FANG Jihan1 GU Zhenyu2 YANG Weiping2 HAN Xianwei1 TAN Chang1 ZHOU Weijing3
(1.Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xian 710100, China 2.Beijing Qiansheng Technology Company, Beijing 100190, China 3.Space Engineering University, Beijing 100094, China)
microsatellite vacuum micro-arc propulsion magnetic field on-orbit verification thrust test
The number of microsatellites shows an explosive growth with huge market potential, and the propulsion system of microsatellites has become a global research hotspot.This paper introduces a vacuum micro-arc propulsion system, which can be applied to micro satellites.Firstly,the parameters and structural characteristics of the vacuum micro-arc propulsion system were outlined.Secondly, the methods of triggerless discharge and uniform ablation were studied in detail, and the magnetic field was simulated and analyzed.Low-cost graphite coating process was used to reduce arc striking energy to less than 10 W.The trust test was completed by using torsional system and the thrust variation was obtained with the changing of frequency and current.Finally, the experimental research of the vacuum micro-arc propulsion system was studied in detail.At present, the vacuum arc propulsion system has successfully completed the on-orbit work and the thrust test.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01