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Rapid start-up process of liquid-flow regulator(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Rapid start-up process of liquid-flow regulator
GUAN Jie1 HE Hongjiang2 DONG Wanfeng2 WANG Pengwu2
(1.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory, Xian 710100, China 2.Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xian 710100, China)
liquid-flow regulator rapid start-up process test analysis simulation analysis
In view of the working characteristics of the liquid-flow regulator during the starting process of the staged combustion cycle engine, a dynamic model describing the start-up process of the flow regulator was established.Then, a liquid flow test was designed and carried out, and the test characteristics under different damping orifice diameters were obtained by analyzing the characteristics of the liquid-flow regulator during the rapid start-up process.The test results show that there is a large overshoot phenomenon for the flow rate during the rapid start-up process of the liquid-flow regulator.By increasing the orifice diameter, the flow rate overshoot can be effectively reduced.Finally, the rationality of the simulation model was verified by the test results.Based on the calculation results, the change process of the spool displacement and flow rate during the start-up process was analyzed.The effects of orifice diameter and pressure rise rate on the regulating process were further analyzed.The simulation results show that in order to reduce the flow fluctuation during the start-up process, the pressure rise rate of the differential pressure should be slow first and then fast.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01