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Analysis of velocity and altitude characteristics at typical operating conditions based on control law of PATR engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis of velocity and altitude characteristics at typical operating conditions based on control law of PATR engine
MA Wenyou1 ZHANG Wensheng2 MA Yuan1 YU Xuanfei3 MA Haibo1 WU Yizhen1
(1.Xian Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xian 710100, China 2.Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology, Xian 710100, China 3.School of Aerospace, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian 710072, China)
pre-cooling combined cycle engine PATR control law velocity characteristics altitude characteristic
In order to study the component matching rule and system performance characteristics of the pre-cooling air turbo rocket engine(PATR)under the maximum thrust condition, a nonlinear variable condition model of PATR engine was established, and a control law which can maximize the engines thrust performance and make it work safely and stably was determined.Also, the velocity and height characteristics of PATR engine at typical operating conditions based on the control law were studied.The numerical calculation shows that the PATR engine is in the maximum thrust state and can work within the safety boundary when the helium turbine speed and inlet temperature are the maximum allowable values, the excess air coefficient of main combustion chamber is not more than 1.6 and the excess air coefficient of external ramjet combustor is not less than 1.5, and the opening of nozzle throat is kept in a certain relationship with the conversion flow rate of air compressor conversion.Under the constraint of the control law, the change of flight conditions makes the engine operating state point move on the determined working line, and the important parameters affecting the engine operating state change according to a certain law.Therefore, the control variables must be adjusted accordingly to control the engine operating state.


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