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Investigation of thrust adjustment characteristics of open-cycle LOX/kerosene engine (PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Investigation of thrust adjustment characteristics of open-cycle LOX/kerosene engine
WANG Tong LIU Shang JIANG Lei HAN Hongwei
(Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory, Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China)
open-cycle LOX/kerosene engine static properties system simulation thrust adjustment schemes
A cooling jacket heat transfer model was established for the open-cycle LOX/kerosene engine and embedded in the engine system static model.The accuracy of the static model was verified by the test data.The characteristics of five different thrust adjustment schemes were compared by static control simulation calculation.The results show that it is not feasible to adjust the oxidizer path scheme of the gas generator and the flow rate scheme of the gas turbine.The main throttling scheme, the secondary double-way regulating scheme and the gas generator oxygen path setting double-position valve with the fuel path setting regulator scheme can realize the large-scale adjustment of the engine thrust.Considering the difficulty of the design of the adjusting element and the requirement of the engine application, the gas generator oxygen path setting double-position valve with the fuel path setting regulator scheme is expected to be applied in the engineering development.


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